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Emily has optioned Ruth Galm's novel Into the Valley and adapted it into a screenplay. 

She wrote, produced, and starred in a short proof of concept based on her feature, after raising $50,000 via Seed&Spark and filmed it in on location in the Sacramento Valley in July, 2022. The short is now complete and on the festival circuit.  


The feature and short have been Quarterfinalists in the ScreenCraft Feature Competition (2022), Outstanding Screenplays Feature Competition (2021), WeScreenplay Shorts Contest (2021), and made The Short List, Barnstorm Fest (2021). 

Emily has written, directed, and produced short films and worked as a Story Analyst for Paradigm, Alcon Entertainment, and Resolution, as well as story consulting independently. She was the assistant to Writer/Director Jonathan Mostow.


Emily is drawn to character-driven stories that explore the human condition, nature, Americana, and outsiders. 

She is in the process of writing two additional features: a supernatural thriller and a small town comedy.

Check out the teaser trailer for Into the Valley (short) below. 

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